Posts by Sean Williams (Page 4)

Parents Day Out – December 2023

We hope you will be part of this fun event for children!Parents/Caregivers are free to do whatever they want/need for a few hours,and youth are needed to help! Children Age Zero through 5th Grade Saturday, December 16, 2023 from 10am-2pmFirst Baptist Church – 125 SE Cowls Street McMinnville, OR 97128 FREE!Registration Required – Deadline is…

MYC Lock Out 2023

The Lock Out is back!And, once again, instead of ALL night, it will just be a LATE night this fall!Here’s all the info you need. 6th-12th grade youth and friendsFriday, November 3 @ 5pm (drop off at FBC)TOFriday, November 3 @ midnight (pick up at FBC)$50 (financial assistance available if needed) We’ll be traveling all together in buses/vans and are still…

FBC All-Church Retreat

Everyone is invited to FBC’s second annual All-Church Retreat, to be held Friday, October 20 – Sunday, October 22 at Camp Arrah Wanna in Welches, Oregon. This forested wonderland will welcome us for a weekend of connecting, creating, resting, and renewing our spirits, all with your church family. We’ll share meals, songs, prayer, and conversation;…


We appreciate your ongoing contributions in support of our ministry. You may check on your financial contributions to First Baptist Church through our secure church software database, Realm. If you have questions, please contactDon Watson, treasurer ( or Barbara Burr,Realm administrator ( FBC Finance Committee:Don Watson, Judee Kunze, Roger Dell, Jane Apel, Barbara Burr


We appreciate your ongoing contributions in support of our ministry. You may check on your financial contributions to First Baptist Church through our secure church software database, Realm. If you have questions, please contactDon Watson, treasurer ( or Barbara Burr,Realm administrator ( FBC Finance Committee:Don Watson, Judee Kunze, Roger Dell, Jane Apel, Barbara Burr

MYC Fall Beach retreat 2023

The MYC Fall Beach Retreat is BACK and we’ve got two great weekends planned at the Oregon coast! The idea is simple. We just want to spend a few days away, together, hanging out, playing games, enjoying the beach, sharing meals, connecting with each other, and reflecting on life and the journeys we are all…

Pride Sunday

All are welcome to this special day! Come at 9:30am on June 25 to share snacks, browse resources, snag stickers, and learn more about FBC’s commitment to being a welcoming and affirming church. Then at 10am, join in worship where we’ll sing, pray, and hear testimonies from LGBTQ+ members and friends. Head home with a…


PLEASE CONSIDER VOLUNTEERING TO SERVE ON THE STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE.  WE NEED YOUR HELP! If you have signed up for Realm (Church Software Database), you may view a secure page that lists all your financial contributions to First Baptist Church. If you have questions, please contact Martha VanCleave (, Don Watson ( or Barbara Burr (…


Join us for VBS 2023! Our theme this summer is Changemaker’s Lab, where children learn that everyone can make a difference in the world! ReNew We will learn about people who experienced and brought about change in the world around them, and discover how our children can use their unique gifts to make a difference…

Parents Night Out – June 2023

We hope you will be part of this fun event for children and families! Parents/caregivers are free to do whatever they want/need for a few hours,and youth are needed to help! Children Age Zero through 5th Grade Friday, June 2, 2023 from 5-9pmFirst Baptist Church – 125 SE Cowls Street McMinnville, OR 97128 FREE!Registration Required…