Church Updates (Page 12)


FBC will offer an opportunity for mid-week connection on Wednesdays from 4:30-5:30pm. Each week will have a loose theme to center our conversation, though we’ll be free to wander from that focus if/as the group desires. You’re invited to check out the themes below and to come (virtually) with a story or some thoughts to…


Financial update: As of April 22nd, our income from contributions is short of our goal by about $10,000. Our total income is about $11,000 short of goal. We are very fortunate to have Lutheran Community Services (A Family Place) sharing a portion of our building these past 7+ years. We are missing building use income.…


Financial update: It is early in the year yet our income is behind budget by $6,059. It is our goal to be back on track by the end of April. Please help where you can. Accomplishments to celebrate: * We have completed the new surface in the Courtyard. It is beautiful. This was the last…

Emergency Support for COVID-19

As the United States and the rest of the world deal with the death and devastation wrought by the coronavirus, on behalf of American Baptist Churches USA, the American Baptist Home Mission Societies (ABHMS) and International Ministries (IM) seek One Great Hour of Sharing COVID-19 emergency support to help families, churches and community find relief…

Children & Youth

Virtual Children’s Chapel Children’s Chapel in now happening online via Zoom (access info below) on Sunday mornings at 11am! We’ll meet following worship for music, a story, some creative reflection time, and a feast. Before we meet, gather some art supplies to use as a way to respond to the story, and have a snack…

Worship Online

All are invited to be part of FBC worship on Sunday mornings via Facebook Live (you don’t need to have a Facebook account to join us). Instructions below, and check out the Virtual Church Resources page to find everything you need to participate. Visit at 10am, or anytime during/following the service. If needed, select “More”…

Bible Study

A conversation with friends about the promises and challenges of each week’s Scripture, its promises and challenges, and its connection to our lives. Tuesdays at 12 noon in-person in the Fireplace Room OR on Zoom,email for the link Every Tuesday at noon, people gather to discuss the passage of Scripture that will be the focus of…

Virtual Lenten Study

Our Wednesday Lenten Book Study gatherings will continue via Zoom. Find a comfy spot to settle in, and click on the link below at 7 pm to join the online discussion room – we’ll be able to see one another, talk, and pray together, while respecting the social distancing guidelines. Join Zoom Meeting –