Posts by Sean Williams (Page 12)


Welcome to the Fall First Baptist Church, Greetings from your Board, still meeting remotely during COVID-19. As always, congregants are welcome to “drop by,” but because of the remote systems, you will need to contact a Board member ahead of time so we can make the electronic linkage arrangements.   At our September 9 meeting we…

Kids connection

Download the December 2020 Kid Connection packet here! About Kids Connection Kids Connection exists to give children and families a way to focus on a particular component of our faith throughout the month through different types of connections. Zoom Meeting On the first Sunday of each month, we’ll meet on Zoom following online worship to…

Praying the Papers

“Keep the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other.” -theologian Karl Barth, 1886-1968 It can be difficult to read the paper, or listen to the news. With the onslaught of stories about racist violence, the pandemic, and injustices close to home and around the world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and to…


Georgine Benner reported on Worship & Community Engagement. We discussed and agreed that Worship would continue on Facebook Live for the time being.   Barbara Nelson, reporting on Membership, lead a discussion of the challenges in tracking Church attendance through the online form (the new “red book”). The Board provided feedback for the committee to aid…

financial report – August 2020

Financial update: Don Watson has faithfully served as FBC treasurer for two terms and is passing the baton to me. Gratefully, Don is still willing to remain as Assistant Treasurer and training master as I step into his very impressive shoes! I ask for your patience and understanding as I take on this new challenge…

Financial Report – July 2020

Financial Update: Building use income has decreased during the pandemic. We are very thankful that Lutheran Community Services have continued to rent space per their building use agreement. Tithes and offerings have been steady. We have a few folks giving a bit extra that has covered those who have not been able to give at…

Sanctuary Visits

Even though the church isn’t the building, sometimes just sitting in the sanctuary can help us to center, reflect, and find comfort or peace. FBC is offering two dates in August for sanctuary visits. During your time, you can light a candle in prayer, receive communion at the altar table, reflect on the prompts provided,…

financial report – june 2020

Financial update: Our FBC family has been so faithful support of our ongoing ministry during this time of pandemic. Of the reported net income at the end of May, $4,060 came from increased giving and the remainder, $16,532, is from reduced spending of our budget. We do have some additional expenses coming this summer for…


First Baptist Church – Re-Opening GUIDELINES: Effective. 7.1.20 While we would love for people to resume meeting, and are glad that our space is a home for many, we want to do our best to minimize risk. Here are the guidelines we’ve drafted, with the potential that all of this could change mid-month as we…