First Baptist Church – Re-Opening GUIDELINES: Effective. 7.1.20

While we would love for people to resume meeting, and are glad that our space is a home for many, we want to do our best to minimize risk. Here are the guidelines we’ve drafted, with the potential that all of this could change mid-month as we enter Phase II of re-opening.
Revisions available at the church office – 503-472-7941 – – stop by M-F 9a-12n.

Beginning July 1st . . .
Groups of 10 or fewer are invited to return to meeting at the church
. We understand that some groups are larger than this, and these restrictions might mean the group needs to split into two or more group meetings, for the time being. We will work with groups to accommodate additional meeting times so that each meeting can be smaller.

We’ve arranged the following spaces for gatherings with social distance:

Gathering Room for a meeting of up to 10 people.

Chapel Room for a meeting of up to 10 people.

1st Street Community Room for a meeting of up to 8 people.

We would like to invite group leaders to visit the church on Tuesday or Thursday, 9a-12n, (by appointment only, (503-472-7941 or ) with Donna or Ron, to see how this new set-up will work for your group and talk about options.

Please contact the church office and declare the day/time/location you would like to begin/and continue to meet. It may need to be slightly different than normal, but necessary to allow for small groupings for the time being.

Responsibility while in the building:

Group members will be asked to leave the room set up as it is when they arrive.

Provide sanitation wipes to wipe down any surfaces used.

Provide masks to wear during time in this building. If members of your group do not have masks, the office will have a limited number available. Please contact the office if you would like some for distribution to your group members.

Groups are asked for minimal vocalizing, and to refrain from singing, hugging, and other behaviors that increase risk of transmission of COVID-19.

The church will provide hand sanitizers in meeting spaces for use by group members.

Groups are also asked to keep a clear and accurate record of attendance at all meetings, should the need for ‘contact tracing’ arise. This is mandated by the state for re-opening.

Entrance: one set of Washington Street doors will be marked as “entrance only” and one set as “exit only.” At this time Washington St. will be the only entrance/exit available.

For your information, the entire church is in the process of being re-keyed, so the key originally issued leaders will no longer work at entrances. Towards the end of June, when keys are available, leaders will be notified to stop by the office to sign-out a new key.

All of this is dependent, of course, on what happens in Yamhill County in the coming weeks with the Phase II mandates in place. This is the plan FBC hopes to move forward with but we’d ask for flexibility and understanding on the part of all involved, if we determine we need to make other arrangements to keep people safe.

Thanks to all of you for your work to keep our community healthy and connected, in whatever ways we can.

Take care, Pastor Erika


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