Sean P. Williams joined the staff of FBC in August 2016 and continues to be excited about serving a church that welcomes, accepts and cares for all people, and feels blessed to be able to help the children, youth, and families of this community discover the many ways God is calling us to be in relationship with our neighbors, both right here and around the world.
Sean has served as a youth minister/director since 2000, in United Methodist and Presbyterian (USA) churches in Texas, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and South Carolina. He is passionate about working in the local church, and loves building and supporting teams, long range planning & visioning, connecting/communicating in creative ways, engaging children and youth in worship & arts, and creating opportunities for individuals and groups to know & support their communities. Sean has also works as a lead consultant and data specialist for Ministry Architects, which is a company that partners with churches around the world to develop strategic plans and build sustainable ministries.
Sean has two children – a son, Parker, and a daughter, Sybil – who both love FBC, McMinnville, and the PNW. They all look forward to many years here, enjoying in this community, building deep, lasting relationships with wonderful people, and exploring this amazing part of the country.