The next Plastics Project event is coming to FBC in February. FBC’s Climate Action Group will be collecting items at the church on Sunday, January 26 and Sunday, February 2 for those who can’t make the February 8 drop-off day. $4 per bag is requested to help defray recycling costs. To avoid this fee, drop off directly at the Recology Transfer Station: 2000 NE Orchard Avenue (8:30a-5:30p).
Some important notes for the February 8 event:
1) Recology is now accepting plastic screw-on caps, utensils, straws and bread clips (BUT these are not accepted curbside). Save the expense you would incur by taking them directly to Recology’s transfer station on Orchard Avenue.
2) We can again accept #6 plastics because Denton Plastics in Portland is now processing these items. Save them and bring them on February 8.
3) Green Century Recycling will set up near the church and will accept all e-waste, from printers and batteries to large appliances, at no charge. Refer to Green Century Recycling for full information. They will also accept styrofoam blocks, packaging peanuts, and styrofoam containers bagged separately at $10 per 45 gallon bag. This will be a drive-thru drop-off, similar to hazardous waste collections.
Future 2025 Dates include June 7 and October 4. Please mark your calendars and support our efforts to better care for God’s good earth!
This event is co-sponsored by The Plastics Project, First Baptist Church, and the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of McMinnville.