Events (Page 4)

Organ Concert with Trumpet and Piano

Featured in this concert will be the renewed Pipe Organ and Chimes played by Paul Klemme, Director of Music Ministries and organist at St Paul’s Episcopal Church in Salem, faculty member at Willamette, performer and conductor at Oregon Bach Festival and active recitalist throughout the U.S. Joan Paddock, who will play trumpet, is Professor of…

Storytelling Starter Workshops

The Portland Story Theater is coming to FBC! They’re offering two sessions of their Storytelling Starter, a workshop designed to give you a taste of the fabulous art form of storytelling in less than two hours. It’s interactive. Fast-paced. Fun! Their approach teaches participants to trust the story and speak extemporaneously from the heart. You’ll…

All Church Campout

All-Church Campout at Silver Falls State Park July 22-24 Nestled in the foothills of Oregon’s Cascades is Silver Falls, 9200 acres filled with hiking and biking trails, breathtaking waterfalls, a rocky canyon, charming creeks, and so much to explore. Join with other FBC friends for a weekend of fun and fellowship in a spectacular setting.…

End of School Extravaganza

June 18, 6-8 pm End-of-School Extravaganza! All youth and children are welcome to this celebratory event with face-painting, water balloons, basketball, board games, art, and a ritual to welcome the summer. Bring a friend and clothes that can get wet or messy!

Summer Sermon Series

Begin with Beauty June 12, 19, and 26 July 3, 10, 17, and 24 Join us for worship this summer. Erika’s sermons and our reflections will explore what beauty can do – heal our wounds, upset our privilege, revive our imaginations, challenge our ignorance, restore our communities, and point us toward God. What beauty will…

June Semi-Annual Meeting

Sunday, June 12, 2016 Annual Report to the congregation in the Gathering Room between services at 10:00 a.m. Celebrate what God is doing in our midst as we reflect upon a year of church ministry. Election of the 2016-17 Church Board Moderator – Susan Chambers* (2018) Vice-Moderator – Martha VanCleave (2017) Secretary/Clerk – David Ferry*…

Service of Remembrance

The sights and sounds of the holidays are beginning to fill the air around us, and we rejoice in the good news about to be born. Even so, we recognize that this can be a difficult season for those who are mourning the loss of a loved one, navigating an unwelcome transition, or carrying painful…

Curtis Reception

A farewell reception will be held for Barbara Curtis, our Children and Youth Minister, on Sunday, September 6th in the Gathering Room following the morning worship service. Please plan to attend!

Sayler Reception

A brief reception for our Interim Pastor, Michael Sayler and his family on Sunday, August 30th following the morning worship service. Plan to attend and say farewell to Mike, Margie and Stephen!

Erika Marksbury Arrives

Erika Marksbury, the new Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church, will begin her tenure on September 1. Erika brings a wealth of skills to this position including pastoral care, youth ministry, teaching, and worship. Her first sermon will be delivered on Sunday, September 6, 2015.