Mask Policy Change
Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Dear Friends,
As you know, the mask mandate in Oregon ends this weekend. Many have asked what we at the church will do. We know some of you are eager to be rid of the requirement, and others are a bit wary; we all have our own sets of reasons for how we’re anticipating and approaching this change.
After hearing from many of you, the FBC Church Board decided at its meeting Wednesday night that at the same time the requirement is lifted across Oregon, mask-wearing at FBC will become optional, and it will remain respected. That is to say, no one will be denied entry to the church building or church-sponsored off-site gatherings for not wearing a mask. And anyone who chooses to continue wearing a mask is welcomed and encouraged to do so, for as long as they wish.
We imagine there will be a mixed crowd in worship and other gatherings for a while, with some people opting to go without and many choosing to continue masking. The virtual service will of course remain an option on Sunday mornings, and many committee meetings and other small group gatherings will still happen over Zoom. When in person, we strongly encourage continued physical distancing between members of different households. And as always, please stay home if you’re not feeling well or have recently been exposed to COVID-19 or experiencing symptoms. (And let us know if there’s any way we can support you!)
As a staff and board, we are so grateful for the way this congregation has respected and cared for one another during the pandemic, repeatedly choosing the greater good over individual preference. We will continue to follow expert scientific advice as we move into the future, so it may be that this new policy will change at some future point, and we will ask you to adjust yet again. But for the time being, we invite everyone to FBC, masked or not, in person or virtually, to continue pursuing our mission of learning, loving, serving, and seeking justice and joy for all.
Thank you,
Reverend Erika Marksbury,
for the FBC Staff and Church Board