Posts by Sean Williams (Page 17)

Summer 2019

We’ve got lots happening this summer for children, youth, and families! Check out our Summer 2019 Calendar! And subscribe to our weekly enews or text group for more details and to get any updates/changes. You can learn more about VBS and register here. And all the details about summer camp and registration are here. Plus we…

VBS 2019

Join us for Vacation Bible School 2019! Our theme this summer is Abundant Life Garden Project and we will explore five thematic lessons on Water, Seeds, Soil, Animals and Harvest during the week. In learning to be thankful for the bounty that God has provided in creation, children and their families will be encouraged to share with one another, take action and share…

150th Anniversary Timeline

The 150th Anniversary Timeline, celebrating our sesquicentennial story, was posted on the wall outside the church office from April 2017 through January 2019. In March 2019 the timeline was transferred into two scrapbooks and is also now available in a digital format! READ MORE ABOUT OUR HISTORY HERE VIEW THE FULL TIMELINE HERE 

Drawing the Circle Wide – Ep 13

Episode 13 – Guest Danny Browne Welcome to Drawing the Circle Wide, a podcast from the First Baptist Church of McMinnville, Oregon. In each episode you’ll hear the sermon from the previous Sunday followed by a discussion between or a reflection from some voices within our faith community. Join the conversation in the comments below.…

Drawing the Circle Wide – Ep 12

Episode 12 – Guest Dave Ferry Welcome to Drawing the Circle Wide, a podcast from the First Baptist Church of McMinnville, Oregon. In each episode you’ll hear the sermon from the previous Sunday followed by a discussion between or a reflection from some voices within our faith community. Join the conversation below in the comments.…

Drawing the Circle Wide – Ep 11

Episode 11 – Guest Megan McCrossin Welcome to Drawing the Circle Wide, a podcast from the First Baptist Church of McMinnville, Oregon. In each episode you’ll hear the sermon from the previous Sunday followed by a discussion between or a reflection from some voices within our faith community. Join the conversation in the comments below.…

McMinnville Youth Collective

After collaborating on several events in the summer and fall of 2018, we are thrilled to announce that the youth ministries of First Baptist Church, First Presbyterian Church, and McMinnville Cooperative Ministries will begin meeting together weekly in 2019 as the McMinnville Youth Collective (McMinnville Covenant Church joined the McMinnville Youth Collective in January 2023).…