Posts by Sean Williams (Page 15)


Financial Update: – During January we paid for the 2019 annual inspection of our fire suppressant system plus other maintenance projects completed last fall. – The 150th Major Maintenance fund how has a balance of $21,298 so we are close to the amount needed to cover the repair of the courtyard surface. We still need…


A new year! A new beginning! A new month! Good News! At FBC we are constantly journeying on roads less traveled. We “look behind so we can see ahead.” Doing just that, I want to bring everyone up-to-date on the results of the Semi-Annual Congregational meeting held Sunday, Jan. 12. We gathered for soup, bread,…


Treasurer’s Report:  January – December,  2019 Financial update: During our Semi-Annual Meeting on January 12, 2020, the congregation approved our 2020 General Fund budget. If you were not present, please stop by the church office to pick up a copy OR ask to receive a pdf copy emailed to you. Here is a brief summary.…

Puerto Rico Earthquake

Dear Friend in Christ, A 6.4-magnitude earthquake shook Puerto Rico at 4:24 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 7. The southwest part of the island received the worst part. Immediately after the seism, the whole island was without electricity. At least one person died, as walls collapsed around the area, and many others were injured. The majority…

Church Board Notes December 2019

Your Leadership Team chairs reported the following, Building and Grounds: the new security system and details about whole building internet access is in discussion Missions: a film and discussion by N. Kristof and his wife in partnership with First Presbyterian is being considered. Faith Formations: A pot-luck and film are coming in January Membership: a…


Treasurer’s Report: January-November 2019 Financial update: Building & Grounds Ministry Team is usually remaining budgeted maintenance funds for a new video security system around the building. A contract with BrilliantNW for $5,425 will be funded out of the 2019 budget. Work will be complete in January. More LED lightbulbs will also be purchased during December…